With gusto is the manner in which many Sydneysiders will walk out of their place of work this Friday. The Christmas holiday is upon us, and with it, come the longest days of the year and some of the finest weather. Our friends and family are with us, and we can happily celebrate some hard-earned days off.
Such is the momentum of this period that we may wind up imbibing a bit too often. Food, drink, and sweets abound, and while we might be forgiven for indulging ourselves, it pays to remember that while a new years’ resolution to join the gym might see us regain our fitness, cavities in our teeth are not resolved quite as easily.
As your cosmetic dentist for Castle Hill and Hills District, Hills Dental Care can show you a few simple tips to help your teeth survive the sugary onslaught of the holiday season. As much as we enjoy seeing you, no one likes to start their new year with a filling.
Swish it
Staying hydrated through the heat is vital to our health, and doing so when eating sweets can make a real difference to your enamel. Water helps to dilute the acids that are eating away at your enamel, and the increase in saliva production will help to balance your mouth’s PH.
Binge it
Rather than grazing throughout the day, eat your sweets all at once. This lessens the amount of time that your teeth spend battling the acids that are produced when sugar breaks down.
Don’t Skimp
Of all times, don’t relax your teeth maintenance routine. Ensure that you are brushing twice daily and flossing once, but remember – leave an hour or so between your last sweet and your brushing. Doing so immediately after can actually cause more harm, as the acids will have softened your enamel, and brushing can harm it further.
As your cosmetic dentist for Castle Hill and the Hills District, we at Hills Dental Care wish you the happiest of holidays. See you in 2019!